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Pets and Pandemic

Aug 19, 2020

Four-legged friends in times of pandemic

As we stay safe at home during this pandemic and limit our outings as much as possible, pets have become an even bigger part of our daily lives (especially for those still under lockdown). In times when human contact is avoided at all costs, pet owners are finding comfort and support in their pawed friends and the bond they share.

Indeed, when it comes to mental health, pets help relieve stress and anxiety, especially if it’s caused by work. This is highly beneficial as many people are currently working from home, making it very difficult to separate home-life and work-life. When you end up dragging your work-induced stress into your resting and me-time, your pet can help comfort you and ease your worry.
Pets also foster feelings of trust and companionship, will boost your productivity and will keep you active throughout the day. 

Being able to cuddle and play with your pet will ease you out of lonely and pessimistic moods. 

This mental wellness that our four-legged friends nurture can also impact our physical state. Pet owners often display lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, lowering their risks of cardiovascular disease. Pets also help people with physical conditions cope better with the pain. Additionally, caring for another life makes us feel less helpless in times when we, otherwise, have no control over the situation at hand. Pets need structure, and having a feeding schedule and a planned routine for your daily walks will keep your confined and at-home life at least somewhat structured. 

All in all, having a companion around in these tough times is a much-needed relief and a source of joy. Now’s also the perfect time to adopt or foster an animal. Since lockdown and confinement are still in order, spending so much time at home gives you room to get to know your new friend, and vice versa. 

You should, however, consider your budget and the type of lifestyle you have before adopting a pet. Consider what you can give but also what you wish and expect from a companion and make sure you adopt a pet whose needs will not clash with your current lifestyle. A great match, for the best friendship!

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