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What type of hungry are you?

Maria Abi Hanna - Clinical Dietitian • Jul 28, 2020
Maria Abi Hanna

Eating well begins with knowing your hunger!

How many times have you found yourself standing right inside a bakery after smelling the aroma of freshly baked croissants as you were passing by? Ever ordered dessert just because it looked so good, though you were already full?!
We eat for many reasons; because we are feeling stressed, sad, or happy and sometimes simply because it’s time for lunch.
Did you know there are actually seven different types of hunger and not just one! 
So, next time you reach for that basket of bread and butter at a restaurant, ask yourself what kind of hungry are you?

Eye hunger
We eat with our eyes first! As we are visual creatures, it can be hard to say no to delicious looking food even though we had just eaten. To satisfy eye hunger, make a feast out of your meal. Set the table and plate your food nicely; appreciate the colors and presentation and feed your senses with the sight of the food, your surroundings, and the people you are with. 

Nose hunger 
Most of our sense of taste comes through our nose; in fact sometimes just smelling food can taste just as good as eating it!  
Take a few seconds to pick out the different fragrances of your meal, this will not only enhance your experience but will also help you eat less.

Mouth hunger
Mouth hunger is one of the hardest to satisfy because it desires variety in flavor and texture (soft, crunchy or chewy food) and can get bored easily. 
Chewing your food mindfully rather than taking in big bites is a good technique to help overcome mouth hunger.

Stomach hunger
That’s real, physical, and biological hunger. It is the growling sensation you feel in your upper stomach and this is your cue to eat. 
When you respond to this, make sure you tune into your hunger levels and fullness signals. Eat until you are 70-80% full rather than stuffed.

Cellular hunger
Cellular hunger is when your body is lacking nutrients at a cellular level. We sometimes mistaken thirst for hunger or may crave red meat because our iron levels are low.
Before giving into your cravings, go for a glass of water first, you might simply be thirsty!

Mind hunger
I should eat because it is 1 pm and it’s lunchtime; I should have 5 meals a day to improve my metabolism and I definitely must have breakfast! 
Mind hunger is based on our thoughts, rules and inner judgment. Often, the way we eat is pre-conditioned by popular nutrition advice such as diets and the latest wellness trends. 
Instead of focusing on following all the information out there, try paying attention to what your body truly needs.

Heart hunger
Ever ordered a big juicy burger with fries on the side after a long stressful day at work? We often eat because we are filling an emotional void related to our feelings. It is vital that we train ourselves to channel our emotions differently such as journaling, exercising, meditation, reading or even calling a friend.

Finally, remember the joy and experience of eating is one of life’s little pleasures, it is ok to eat because we aren’t physically hungry, but striking a balance is important. Honor your hunger and satiety cues; understand why you are eating, and what type of hunger it is. As a dietitian, I like to follow a 70/30 rule where 70% of the time I eat because I am stomach hungry and 30% of the time because it is one of the other types of hunger.

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